There Was Jesus

Picture of the Cross

“Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake.

“Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?

Verily, verily, I say unto you thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.”

John 13: 37 - 38

I looked up as I walked through the produce section, an elderly woman, her eyes strangely vacant, shuffling slowly along pushing one of the small carts designed for those who expect to walk out with a minimum of groceries.

I can still see the bargain loaf of white bread, the tiny package of lunchmeat, the small carton of 2% milk, her cart woefully empty of the nutrition that her small frame looked much in need of; my heart was smitten as I glanced down at my overflowing buggy with its well-stocked assortment in such contrast to her limited selection of goods.

My mother and father are gone now and I suppose that years of tending to their needs, carrying carloads of supplies into larders that were already near to bursting has left me still yearning to fill the needs where I see them.

I wondered who was watching out for this poor soul, unsteady on her feet and obviously keeping her few meager purchases to what her paltry Social Security check would allow.

I found myself following slowly behind her, this stranger whose path I knew the Lord had caused to intersect with my own; a battle raging in my cowardly, introverted heart. Wanting to be obedient to His leading, to help her, to pay for her groceries, (that pitifully small amount, but better still, the desire to give her a blessing of a handful of cash, still I quaked at the thought of her possible indignation, picturing her calling for the manager to complain about this stranger who barged into her quiet shopping trip with my supposed errand of mercy…

I looked in my purse and thankfully spied a small horde of cash that still resided there, intended for purchases I could postpone, my eyes fell on a beautiful Easter tract that I had picked up from church last week, on the cover was a shining image of the Cross, and I wondered if I could share more than enough to feed her body for a short while, so much better to also share the Words of Life with her.

My heart grieves for those who don’t know Jesus, I don’t know how people can bear this world alone, without the treasure that is ours just for the asking.

So, blunderingly, as we approached the checkout, I laid my hand tentatively on her threadbare sleeve and smiled and nodded and told her that I wanted to be a blessing and would she please accept my gift and the tract. Her eyes widened and she gazed at the cash, at the image of the Cross, and astonished, gratefully thanked me as I ducked away embarrassed and yet happy that I had pushed through my typical shyness and allowed myself to be used.

I’ve thought of her often, and prayed that the Lord will take care of her, whose soul He longs to comfort and bring safe Home to Him when her journey is done.

Oh, poor Peter, his spirit failed him when faced with real danger, the loss of his life if he tried to speak out for his Lord, I pray for courage to show His love to a lost and dying world, we must be salt and light in these days that are so dark for so many without hope. Oh Lord help me to put my fears aside and do all the good I can, to dismiss the clamor of my doubtful mind and shine brightly for Thee while it is day, for the night cometh and so many souls need You still.