Autumn Pansies Shine


The pansies are making a last brave stand, little faces all bright and full of hope.  I can’t bear to tell them that it’s high time I got the Christmas greens up, that the pumpkins (who they coordinated beautifully with by the way), are long gone to the compost bin where all good pumpkins should go.  And though we’ve had a few hard frosts & the weekend forecast is calling for snow, the pansies bloom on.  

And so, while I’ve brought a few things out to begin to celebrate the season of His birth, I wait patiently for the cycle of the year to unfold, to wake one morning and find my little friends all laid low by the cold that must surely come because even small beauties are important and must be applauded no matter how inconvenient I consider their timing.



Even the puppies know that the season is changing, they turn little noses up while out playing, for all the world like they are scenting the air, sensing that winter will soon keep them bundled inside, and these lovely long afternoons to play in the sunshine had best be enjoyed to the fullest.


But for now, the pansies shine bravely on and I applaud their cheery welcome every time I step out the kitchen door, for I will surely miss the little things after winter’s snow has put them in their beds until the spring, yes, I will miss them when they are gone.