Keeping Christmas

Sweet puppy breath drifts up and I breathe in amazed at the fragrance, surely one of the most delightful I know.  A puppy tongue reminiscent of softest pink flannel reaches up to give me an adoring kiss.  Looking into the tiny face I fall head over heels in love all over again.

It's a good thing. Being "in dogs" means that for more years than I care to count, Christmas has been an exceedingly busy (dare I say stressful?) time of year. One that I try to treasure but often find myself rushing through, missing the little things that are scattered like small treasures in my path.

The Lord whispers softly to see, really see the gifts all around me.  It's been a difficult year that included the loss of dear friends and then of my mother.  She who finally is free of that worn weary body of hers and is in a place of joy so complete that it defies our ability to comprehend it. I was sorting through things getting ready to decorate for Christmas and these cheery little snowmen stopped me in my tracks.

She would have loved them, with glitter sprinkled liberally and sweet old-fashioned faces.  I sort them gently out of their scattered packages and one of the puppies gives a small whine, ever sensitive and most sympathetic little souls, they are indeed little comfort spaniels and soon a kindly small face is peering worriedly up at me to make sure that all is well.

I breathe a prayer of thanks that mother is safe home in that place where I believe all of those she loved were waiting patiently to welcome her in.  Another prayer of gratitude that I have something worthwhile to set my hands to.

I pray to be a blessing, to bring a measure of beauty and joy to those who need it. One more special thanks for the little creatures I have the privilege to care for and send on their own small journeys of bringing a bit of beauty and love into a world that so badly needs it.

Help me Lord to remember to celebrate your gift of Jesus given to us that first Christmas long long ago.